TOC Doctor

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How to Read This Blog

First, I'll state the goal, and you can decide if you want to spend your time here. I want to use what I've learned applying Theory of Constraints (TOC) in improving addiction treatment to improve healthcare in general. The ultimate goal is the disruption and disintermediation of much of what we know of as healthcare today to improve health and wellness while lowering cost burden. Early on, my posts will be heavily about addiction and how to end it as a problem in American life in our lifetime. If you're interested in how to do that, you can start here.

Because TOC is build on logic, this blog will become heavy on examination of assumptions and logical connections. Some posts may go far afield of the eventual point to illustrate some aspect or other of the logical process. 

Another reason things may go far afield is that I have had success in the past by using lessons learned in one field to other fields. So examples of processes may have nothing to do with the subject of your interest. But the universe only has a few rules, so if you understand them, you can understand anything. I have many interests and am known for going off topic, but I'll eventually come back.

I am an active consultant, and so I will not place here any proprietary information I've created for others unless they give me leave to do so. There is also material I have created "on spec" which I will hold back for industries who may want to pay for it. But much of my process is open to the public and will be included here. 

Technical note: I will include certain logical charts using the TOC thinking processes. These charts are built, for the most part, on sufficiency logic. That is, one thing is sufficient to bring about another. Therefore, in those charts, logical arrows should be read as "because" or "if...then." If I use different logic, I'll note that on the charts.